Stop all the Clocks

Today’s prompt is the perfect excuse for me to catapult myself back to blogging. Sadly, I have been ignoring this project of mine for no apparent reason. I cannot explain my sudden sabbatical from writing; I just got a little distracted I guess. Each day, I went over the emails for daily prompts and ignored them with an inexplicable indifference, giving half-baked arguments to myself that I did not have much to contribute towards the topic. I am sorry to say that albeit briefly, I missed the point that the motive was to find a way to relate to these prompts and express myself.

Today, there is no room for unconvincing defenses. This prompt is a godsend as there is no reason to be restricted to any thought or an idea; instead it is time to plunge back into my blog and let my fingers do a freestyle dance over my keyboard. I do often go through phases when words just abandon me. Thankfully sooner or later, something happens which prod them to rekindle their friendship with me.

Having said all that, I do admit that it is very annoying to write when one eye of mine is firmly set on the clock. I like to leave my love for deadlines at work. But at least I am back on the blog and I am feeling happy. I wish that this marks my re entry into my blogging phase because I have a blast during that time. Actually at this moment, a wish to halt time would be more practical. But as Marquez said, wisdom comes to us when it can no longer do any good!

Written in response to Daily Post – Ready, Set, Done

6 thoughts on “Stop all the Clocks

  1. Pingback: They shall sleep hungry tonight, but, not by their choice.. | shivansh chaudhary

  2. I’m so glad this prompt got you writing again! Since this worked well for you, you might like to take it a step further by using a prompt box: cut a sheet of paper into small slips, write a word or phrase on each slip – “pine cones,” “kilts,” “suitcase” – fold the slips, and place them in a vessel that you can pull the prompts from for your ten minute writes. I like to keep a box full of prompts so that when my words are stuck I can pull a slip of paper from the prompt box, read what it says (ice cream, prairies, morning light), set a timer, and write whatever pops into my head for ten minutes. Have fun 🙂

  3. Pingback: What, Me Worry? | Cancer Isn't Pink

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